the archaeological season has just begun and we have a heavy shooting schedule ahead of us. peter parr (the head excavator of petra and the second in command to kathleen kenyon at her jericho dig in the 50's) is flying here from england to stay with us for a little while so we can interview him.
because we have so many interviews ahead of us, we are studying and learning as much as we can. unfortunately all that we are learning reveals to us that we don't know very much about what we are trying to document. it's a difficult situation, but we are trusting God for a specific method as to how we are to do what he has us doing, that is, defending the bible. one thing we realize is on a large scale, scholarship takes God out of science and tries to explain it naturally. for creation you have evolution, for the historicity of the biblical text they say that in the 7th century josiah and some of his boys sat down and made up the old testament from the 7th century all the way back through the patriarchs. basically, when you eliminate God as a possible explanation for the evidence studied in all different realms of science, you come up with many second best explanations: i.e. evolution, and mythological scripture beyond the 7th century - yet, these explanations are not the best explanation for the evidence, they are only the best explanation if you eliminate God as one. therefore, i'd say the best explanation for the evidence is God. the earth - God created it, the bible - it is real history in which God acted.
so anyway, a lot is going on and we are pretty overwhelmed. but God is a big God and we trust him.