Saturday, January 29, 2005

An animation I did in highschool.

I made this video as an anti-drinking and driving ad that aired shortly before our highschool's prom.

The Man: Jon Ringle

This may on the surface appear to be the dumbest little short you've ever seen, but similar to Avatar, the true genius lies in its making. The Adventures of Patsy is a short that Jon Ringle and I did with all my old childhood toys while visiting my grandparents house on a road trip. We took upon the challenge of making a short film that was all done and completed "in-camera." By that I mean that this video was never edited later on, it came out of the camera exactly how you hear and see it. The voices were spoken into the camera when it was recording, all sound effects were captured by the camera's mic while recording, and all the music is ringtones from Jon's phone played while recording. If we didn't get the right take, we just rewound the tape and tried again. Even knowing all this may not impress you. But it was fun at the time, and the endearing Patsy has captured the hearts of millions ever since.

Friday, January 28, 2005

This is a parody we did for our highschool film festival. My teacher told me to do it, but apparently his idea entailed the girl getting stabbed by a candy bar... I guess I didn't hear him mention that part. This was never supposed to be so horribly... horrible.

The Oompa-loompa: DJ Cosgrove
The Girl: Ariel Rapier

Man 1: EJ Mann
Man 2: Nathan Lundquist

Man: Jon Ringle
Boy: Weston Lundquist

This video was a class assignment in highschool. We had to make a trailer for a movie, so Jon and I made, "The Miracle Sled." Unfortunately, the movie itself never made it into production due to lack of funding and just... general interest from anyone.